Friday, November 30, 2007


I was so concerned, at first, about changing our family and adding another baby. Bean was my only child and I was afraid of upsetting the beautiful and delicate relationship that existed between the two of us. Now, of course, I can't imagine our family without our little Love Bug and I treasure moments like these, when I realize that the gift of a sibling was the most amazing gift I could give my Bean.


sarah said...

I agree so much that the gift of a sibling is the greatest you can give a child - I am eternally grateful for my younger brother and wouldn't have traded him for all the exclusive mummy-time in the world. I only wish I could give my own child the same gift.

Your children are darling. And I love your weblog header.

Merriconeag - Place of Easy Passage said...

Thank you! I'm an only child myself - so I didn't have the "aren't siblings wonderful" experience to draw from. With another little girl on the way in March, my kids willhave plenty! =) =) Also, thank you re: my header. I was feeling creative. ;) ;)

sarah said...

Oh how lovely, congratulations on your third daughter! I hope she has a safe passage into this world :-)