Thursday, September 20, 2007

Waldorf Radio!

Yes, you read that right. Melisa Nielsen, of A Little Garden Flower, has begun live web-radio shows every Saturday. She has some awesome topics planned. I think, for most Waldorf homeschoolers, a huge chunk of their community is virtual and I think this is such a great way to bring that community together. We can become the WWW- The World Wide Waldorf! LOL! Ok, that's my term. Please don't blame Melisa for my corny Waldorf jokes - I told you in my very first post that I am a Steiner geek, so don't look so surprised. ;) ;)

Anyway-check them out!

Also, Melisa has really great resources on her site. I have the Kindy and First Grade books and they're wonderful!

1 comment:

Sara said...

How exciting! Thanks for posting this!