Friday, August 24, 2007

September Kindergarten Circle

I've been working on ours for a couple of days and I finally finished it tonight. Kind of. I need one more verse and I am OAM (on a mission) but right now I am TST (too stinking tired) to deal with it anymore.

Our official first day of school is September 3rd. On the 4th we will begin our Little House unit study be reading Going West, one of the My First Little House Books. Bean has already read Little House on the Prairie and On the Banks of Plum Creek, but I thought that Going West would be a nice entry into the unit study. Then we are going to build a log cabin out of cardboard boxes. Specifically, washer and dryer boxes from Lowes. There's a very cool site that we bought the rivets from (to hold the boxes together.) It's

I'll post pictures of the whole event. I made Bean a Little House apron to wear and I need to finish her matching prairie bonnet. Little 1 year old Love Bug will be on hand to attempt to eat the rivets, knock over the card board boxes and provide the entertainment.

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